

MUST response to £100,000 donation by United & City to Foodbank Support Appeal

United & City Supporters make joint Foodbank Support Appeal

The announcement this morning that Manchester United and Manchester City have donated a combined £100,000 to help food banks in Greater Manchester is a huge boost to the fundraising campaign.

MUST has been operating a Fans' Foodbank donation point on Manchester United home matchdays for some time but with the impact of Coronavirus we have been forced to switch to appealing for online cash donations only. The news that Manchester United and Manchester City have agreed to donate a combined £100,000 to help food banks in Greater Manchester is fantastic news. It will make a huge difference supporting people in communities across Greater Manchester at this time when foodbanks are seeing a major spike in demand.

We're encouraging supporters to add their own contributions to the appeal here:

See also earlier related story:
United & City Supporters make joint appeal as Coronavirus hits local foodbanks. Everton and Liverpool fan groups make big generous donation to the Manchester fund too:

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